
Posted on September 10, 2008 Under Life

Come November 4th the political landscape will change. While it’s up to “we the people” to decide whether or not the direction of that change leans towards Obama or McCain, the two candidates have long since begun their quest to bring their particular brands of “hope” to the world. The Republican and Democrat nominees have repeatedly employed targeted language to sway the opinions of their constituents. Keeping track of those words is a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. Thanks to the statistically minded beings at Speechwars, you can see exactly what your candidate is talking about every time he steps up to the podium. The site’s speech graphs and word clouds, while not telling you exactly where each candidate stands on the issues, allows you to see if McCain is truly avoiding the economy or if Obama is way too hung up on this change thing. It’s certainly is an interesting study on the cunning use of political linguistics and worth checking out.

Via Zoomdoggle